Evaluasi pembelajaran daring pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan (PJOK) SMA kota Denpasar pada masa pandemi COVID-19
evaluation, learning, online, PJOK, CIPPAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui evaluasi pembelajaran daring PJOK SMA Kota Denpasar pada masa pendemi covid-19. Ditinjau dari konteks, input, proses dan produk. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif, jumlah sampel sebanyak 320 peserta didik dengan instrumen, yaitu kontek, input, proses dan produk. Metode pengumpulan data observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) variabel context diperoleh harga mean sebesar 21,62 terletak pada interval 21-22 termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan persentase 42,19% sangat baik; 36,87% baik; 9,37% cukup baik; sebesar 6,56% kurang baik; dan 4,69% berpendapat sangat kurang baik; (2) pada variabel input diperoleh harga mean sebesar 37,52 terletak pada interval 35-39 termasuk dalam kategori baik; dengan persentase 44,06% sangat baik; 37,50 % baik; 7,81% cukup baik; 6,25% kurang baik, dan 4,37% sangat kurang baik; (3) variable proses diperoleh harga mean sebesar 29,98 terletak pada interval 29-31 termasuk dalam kategori baik. sebesar 42,18% siswa sangat baik, 34,37% baik, 10,00% cukup baik, 7,81% kurang baik, dan sangat kurang baik. (4) variabel produk diperoleh harga mean sebesar 12,57 terletak pada interval 12-13 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Kesimpulannya. evaluasi proses pembelajaran PJOK secara daring peserta didik di SMA Negeri dan Swasta Kota Denpasar Pada Masa Pandemic Covid-19 terbukti tinggi.
This study aims to determine the evaluation of online learning at PJOK SMA Denpasar City during the covid 19 pandemic. Judging from the context, input, process and product. This research method is descriptive qualitative, the number of samples is 320 students. The research instruments are: context, input, process and product. Data collection methods are observation, documentation, and interviews. Data analysis using the CIPP test includes data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate: (1) in the context variable, the mean value is 21.62 in the intervals 21-22 which is included in the good category with a persentage classification of 42.19% very good , 36.87% good, 9.37% is quite good, 6.56% is not good, and 4.69% is very poor. (2) on the input variable obtained the mean value of 37.52 located in the 35-39 interval included in the good category, percentage is 44.06 % verybgood, 37.50% good, 7.81% pretty good, 6,25 is not good, and 4.37% is very poor. (3) the process variable obtained the mean value of 29.98 located at interval of 29-31 included in the good category, 42.18 of students are very good, 34.37% are good, 10.00% are quite good, 7.81% are not good and very poor.. (4) the product variable obtained the mean value of 12.57 located in the 12-13 interval included in the high category. In conclusion. evaluation of the online learning process of PJOK of students in Denpasar City Public and Private High Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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