
  • Eva Agustina Rahma Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
  • Achmad Yudi Wahyudin Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia



self-esteem, speaking ability, English students


This study focuses on the relationship and influence between students' self-esteem and students' English ability. Speaking is an important language skill, especially in a global setting where English is required for success in many areas. The study's goal is to evaluate if self-esteem has a substantial influence on students' speaking ability, as well as to uncover variables that contribute to poor self-esteem. Data were collected from 10th graders at a public school in South Lampung using questionnaires, speaking exams, and interviews. Using Pearson's correlation in SPSS.26, a sample of 36 students yielded a correlation value of 0.446, demonstrating a modest positive association between self-esteem and speaking ability. Peer comparison, dependence on external validation, emotional responses to failure, family dynamics, social support, and instructor evaluation are all factors that influence one's self-esteem. Addressing these issues is critical for increasing students' resilience and cultivating a more positive self-image, which can lead to improved speaking ability.


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How to Cite

Rahma, E. A., & Wahyudin, A. Y. . (2024). STUDENT’S SELF-ESTEEM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON SPEAKING ABILITY AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LAMPUNG. Indonesian Journal of Educational Development (IJED), 5(3), 304-315.