: morphophonology, nasal prefixes, BalineseAbstract
Regional language research is a means of supporting efforts to foster, develop and standardize national languages. In this regard, it is hoped that research on the Balinese language can make this contribution. From the information in various literature so far, especially in the field of morphophonology, there is not a complete picture. In this regard, this problem was raised as study material.
The morphophonological aspect that will be discussed only includes nasal prefixes. To solve the problems above, in this study the theories of Generative Morphology and Generative Phonology are applied. As a result of the discussion, it is known that the morphophonological process of Balinese nasal prefixes, namely (1) the process of assimilating the prefix /ŋ-/ to become ŋ-; (2) the assimilation process of the prefix /ŋ-/ which is followed by the addition of the phoneme /ə/, and (3) the process of assimilation of the prefix /ŋ-/ to /m-, n-, ñ-, and ŋ-/ which is followed by the deletion of the consonant phoneme.
Key words: morphophonology, nasal prefixes, Balinese
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