Focus and Scope

We welcome a variety of topics, theoretical orientations, and methodological approaches (qualitative and quantitative), such as:

  1. Studies can maximize the potential of linguistics and applied linguistics (for example, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Anthropolinguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Stylistics, Dialectology, LHK, Psychopragmatics, Agrolinguistics, Linguistic Engineering, Forensic Linguistics, etc.);
  2. Literary Criticism Studies can take the form of digitizing literature, new literary theory, applied literature (five of which are Sexopragmatic Literature, Theopragmatic Literature, Gastropragmatic Literature, Cosmopragmatic Literature, and Cryptopragmatic Literature);
  3. Identity in Language and Literature (eg, Ethnic Identity, vocational identity, occupational identity, religious identity, moral identity, political identity, etc.);
  4. Arts Research (for example performing arts which includes music, dance, drama, and fine arts);
  5. Research on innovation or effectiveness of various models of language and arts education programs can involve Learning Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Learning Assessment, and BIPA).