discrimination, women, short storiesAbstract
Literature is used to deconstruct the culture construction. One of the deconstruction is the representation of female characters involved in the short story anthology of Wanita Pemuja Batu. The object of this research is the short story anthology of Perempuan Pemuja Batu by Gede Aries Pidrawan in a feminism view, which is to identify behavior, thought patterns, and myths about women. Representation theory and gender are used to identify female characters. The method used is descriptive analytical by using an objective approach. Data analysis was carried out based on empirical facts. The results showed that the representation that emerged was the representation of women as colonized and as feminist women. Discrimination against women can be seen in several short stories, namely Nyai Bekung, The Cry of a Baluan, The Woman of Troubles, and the Woman of the Stone Worshiper. The discrimination is reflected in the view of society which always assumes that women are the only person to be blamed if a family has not been blessed with a child. In addition, discrimination is also very clear when a woman is a widow, it leads to the negativity view in the eyes of the community when compared to a man who is a widower. Another discrimination is seen in the behavior of the husband who thinks he is superior in the eyes of his wife. A wife is always considered as a weak woman, who is not able to make any decisions in the family, and other woman abuses both psychologically and psychologically. The visual representation of discrimination is depicted in the form of a sketch that clearly describes the discrimination of Balinese women in the anthology of short stories.
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