Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi terbit dua kali dalam setahun (Juni dan Desember). Jurnal berisi tentang gagasan konseptual, hasil penelitian, kajian dan aplikasi teori terkait pengabdian masyarakat.</p> LP3M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi 2798-1614 PROGRAM KEMITRAAN MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN PERPUSTAKAAN DIGITAL DI SMAN 2 ABIANSEMAL BADUNG https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4306 <p><em>School digital library training can be carried out to provide understanding and skills to school library managers in managing libraries digitally. The aim of this PkM is to provide assistance to teachers and school library staff so they can use the school digital library. The method for implementing PkM is preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and follow-up. The use of digital technology in school libraries can provide various benefits for students and teachers. School libraries utilizing digital technology can become more modern and effective learning centers. The PerpusKita.id application is a library automation system developed by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia to simplify library management, starting from cataloging, circulation, to reporting. This training is designed to provide practical and technical understanding to librarians. Many teachers and students can search for information online through search sites, but it is difficult for students to determine which books can be referred to and used regarding the material taught by the teacher or information related to the information obtained. With training and assistance from UPMI lecturers' PkM activities, it is hoped that the digital library can become a center for developing and advancing literacy quality that is beneficial for all levels of the school community. The school digital library used can be accessed from anywhere and at any time via the link provided to log in to the Digital Library.</em></p> I Made Subrata I Kadek Juni Arta I Dewa Putu Juwana I Made Surat Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 90 99 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4306 PENGENALAN MANFAAT DAN PENGUJIAN pH JUS APEL FUJI DAN JUS ALPUKAT UNTUK KESEHATAN https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4307 <p><em>One of the herbal drinks that have positive effects on health is juice. The chief executive of the community service decided to give an introduction to the banjar abasan community in Singapadu Tengah village because the abasan community pays less attention to their body health. They also do not know how to test the pH of fuji apple and avocado juice for health. In this service, an introduction to the benefits and negative effects of fuji apple and avocado juice was carried out in the form of socialisation and an introduction to making and testing the pH of fuji apple juice and avocado juice in the form of training demonstrations. This service begins with giving a pre-test and ends with giving a post-test in order to hone the community's knowledge related to the knowledge that has been given in this community service. This service is very beneficial for the abasan community because they are given knowledge related to apples and avocados and the negative effects of consuming them excessively and in the wrong time, the benefits of fuji apple juice and avocado juice. The abasan community also gained knowledge on how to make and test the pH of fuji apple juice and avocado juice and the benefits of testing the pH of the juice. Based on the results of the pretest and postest, most of the service participants really understood about this service and had a great desire to become avocado juice and fuji apple juice entrepreneurs because the manufacturing process was easy and the selling price was affordable.</em></p> Ni Made Sukma Sanjiwani I Wayan Sudiarsa Ni Putu Ayu Mirah Mariati Agung Ari Chandra Wibawa I Wayan Surya Rahadi Puguh Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 100 107 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4307 PkM. PELATIAHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PUPLIKASI ILMIAH GURU DI SMA NEGERI 8 DENPASAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4308 <p><em>Scientific publications have an important role for teachers, especially as a requirement for advancing their career path through promotion. However, many teachers face obstacles in writing and publishing scientific papers independently. This Community Service Program (PkM) aims to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers at SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar in scientific publications. The methods used include socialization, training, application of technology, mentoring and evaluation. This activity involves all teachers as participants. The results of the activity showed an increase in teacher motivation and ability in writing scientific articles, especially those based on classroom action research and best practices. Teachers are able to compose articles according to the template of the targeted national ISSN journal. Thus, this program succeeded in increasing teacher competence in scientific publications while supporting their professionalism. Through this PkM program, teachers at SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar understand and are able to compose scientific articles based on written work, such as classroom action research or best practices, according to the template of the targeted national journal. This program has also succeeded in improving the quality of teachers' human resources (HR) in scientific literacy.</em></p> I Made Suarta I Komang Sukendra I Nyoman Bagus Suweta Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 108 116 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4308 PkM. SMA NEGERI 2 ABIANSEMAL BADUNG DALAM MENINGKATKAN KAPASITAS PEMBELAJARAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4309 <p><em>SMA Negeri 2 Abiansemal Badung is located at JL. Denpasar-Abiansemal, Medium, Abiansemal, Badung, Medium, District. Abiansemal, Kab. Badung, Bali with principal I Made Suwardana, S.Pd., M.Pd. In carrying out its activities, SMA Negeri 2 Abiansemal is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Based on the problems at SMA Negeri 2 Abiansemal Badung, the PkM Team at PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia University decided on priority problems that could be helped by Partners, namely human resource problems, school facilities and infrastructure for which solutions were immediately sought. The first problem is that teachers still experience problems in creating independent curriculum teaching modules, and the second problem is the lack of organization in school libraries in the era of digitalization, namely digital libraries. </em><em>The implementation method is training and mentoring through the application of technology. The first activity concerns the problem of teachers' lack of knowledge in writing independent curriculum teaching modules. The activities were carried out in two stages, namely training activities in presenting materials related to writing in the creation of independent curriculum teaching modules. The mentoring activity for making teaching modules aims to improve teacher skills for making independent curriculum teaching modules. The second activity is a solution to the problem of poorly organized school libraries, namely digital libraries involving library staff. Partner participation in preparing training places, mentoring, and helping prepare food at school. After conducting training and mentoring, there was an increase in teachers in creating independent curriculum teaching modules and there was an increase in knowledge in the digital library at SMA Negeri 2 Abiansemal. The PkM results show that there has been an increase in teachers in creating independent curriculum teaching modules, and an increase in digital library knowledge skills.&nbsp; </em></p> I Komang Sukendra Ida Ayu Agung Ekasiadi Gde Iwan Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 117 128 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4309 PkM. PELATIHAN PENULISAN MODUL AJAR KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI SMA NEGERI 8 DENPASAR BALI https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4310 <p><em>Training on writing independent curriculum teaching modules aims to provide understanding and skills to teachers in compiling teaching modules that are in accordance with the independent curriculum. Community service carried out by lecturers at PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia University to provide knowledge and skills to teachers in designing teaching modules that are relevant to the Independent Curriculum. The problem faced by teachers at SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar is the difficulty of teachers in creating teaching modules, so one solution that can be provided is training in writing teaching modules in the Independent Curriculum to improve the quality of learning in the school. The activity was attended by 40 teachers who were guided by lecturers from UPMI to provide training and provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of the independent curriculum and how to integrate them into teaching modules. Training participants learn about teaching module development methods that are oriented towards increasing teacher human resources in empowering students by using the application of technology in learning, and measuring student progress comprehensively. After the activity ended, the teachers were able to develop teaching modules creatively, innovatively and effectively to support the achievement of the learning objectives of the independent curriculum. Through PkM activities at SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar, teachers can create teaching modules in the independent curriculum according to the subjects they teach.</em></p> Putu Dessy Fridayanthi Gusti Ayu Made Puspawati Ida Ayu Agung Ekasriadi I Komang Sukendra Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 129 138 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4310 PROGRAM KEMITRAAN MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN IN LITERASI DAN SAINS DI SMKS BINTANG PERSADA DENPASAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4311 <p><em>Literacy and science are part of the National Literacy Movement launched by the government which encourages people to be able to think scientifically. The aim of this activity is to train teachers regarding literacy and science knowledge to improve the ability to answer PISA questions for children aged 15-16 years. The implementation method is through socialization, training and mentoring activities using technology and follow-up. The results of data analysis show that the PISA scientific literacy scores of Indonesian students are low and have never reached the standard scores set by PISA. Factors causing the low scientific literacy of Indonesian students are students' misconceptions about science, teachers not mastering scientific literacy, and infrastructure. In everyday life, the application of literacy and science is very broad. Science is a way to obtain new knowledge in the form of scientific products and scientific attitudes through an activity called the scientific process. Based on the results of the PkM activities, it was found that all participants in the literacy and science training activities were very enthusiastic, enthusiastic and had high motivation in participating in the training. Participants had an increase in science planning as seen from the literacy and science material. Teachers can now create literacy and science questions based on the characteristics of the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) in accordance with the PISA test questions for children aged 15-16 years.</em></p> Dewa Ayu Widiasri Gusti Ayu Rai I Made Darmada Ni Made Pira Erawati Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 139 148 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4311 PkM. PENDAMPINGAN ANAK MELENIAL DALAM MELESTARIKAN SENI DRAMATARI ARJA SEBAGAI WARISAN BUDAYA LELUHUR DI BANJAR TEGAL, DESA DARMA SABA, ABIANSEMAL BADUNG https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4312 <p><em>A result of human ideals, tastes, and desires that produce works of art, bringing socio-cultural influences to Balinese society in particular. This influence needs to be filtered by developing Balinese cultures and studying the noble values ​​contained therein. In order to develop a national culture that has personality and national awareness, it is necessary to foster the ability of the community to preserve the art of arja drama by upholding noble social values. This description means that as the young generation of Bali, we must preserve regional culture, because regional culture is the root of national culture. One of the regional cultures that needs to be preserved is the performance of arja drama which is always adhiluhung. The art of arja drama has now developed into a complex art system and is full of educational values. The performance of arja drama in Bali harmoniously combines various types of art branches, including: dance, song, karawitan and literature. The plays always reflect cultural values ​​as the basic capital of Indonesian culture in general and Balinese culture in particular. The research problems are (1) strategies for mentoring millennial youth in preserving the Arja dance drama performance (2) The most appropriate story to learn and (3) community response regarding the preservation of Arja dance drama. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research formatted in a special study. The focus of this community service study is Mentoring Millennial Children in Preserving the Art of Arja Dance Drama Performance as an Ancestral Cultural Heritage in Banjar Tegal, Daramasaba Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali. The data were analyzed using a descriptive-qualitative method with steps as stated by Lacey and Luff (2001) in Patilima (2005:91), which include: data transcription, data identification and reduction, data classification, data description and interpretation, data triangulation, presentation of final results of the PKM.</em></p> I Ketut Muada I Made Indra Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 149 157 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4312 PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PUPUK ORGANIK BERBASIS MIKROORGANISME SEBAGAI IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN IPA (BIOLOGI) DI SMP NEGERI 11 DENPASAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4313 <p><em>Training and assistance in making organic fertilizer from microorganism-based organic materials was carried out at SMP Negeri 11 Denpasar. This training and assistance in making organic fertilizer is a work program from SMP Negeri 11 Denpasar in collaboration with the community service team from PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia. Making organic fertilizer through composting activities is one of various methods of processing organic waste which aims to reduce and also change the composition of waste into products that are useful in life. Waste produced in life activities from organic materials and plant leaf waste produced in school gardens can be processed into organic fertilizer by using microorganisms as activators. The students who carried out this organic fertilizer making activity were welcomed enthusiastically, there was a sense of curiosity, cooperation and high enthusiasm because it was related to science learning at school and their daily lives.</em></p> I Wayan Suanda I Gusti Ayu Rai Kadek Intan Rusmayanthi I Ketut Widnyana Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 158 168 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4313 PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS (PTK) GUNA PENINGKATAN PANGKAT GURU DI SMA NEGERI 10 DENPASAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/4314 <p><em>Classroom action research (PTK) is one of the requirements for teacher promotion. However, many teachers have difficulty designing and implementing PTK. The purpose of this service is to provide assistance to teachers in creating and implementing PTK in order to fulfill the requirements for promotion. The approach used is direct assistance to teachers who need assistance in designing and implementing PTK. During the mentoring process, ongoing evaluation, feedback and discussions are carried out between the mentor and the teacher being mentored. Initial results show an increase in the quality of PTK design and implementation after receiving assistance. Teachers become more aware of the procedures and techniques for preparing PTK. It is hoped that in the future this assistance can continue to be carried out to increase teacher competence in making PTK as one of the requirements for promotion.</em></p> Rulianto Lianda Dewi Sartika Sri Datuti Ida Bagus Brata Copyright (c) 2024 LPPM Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 5 1 169 181 10.59672/widyamahadi.v5i1.4314