Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi <p>Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi terbit dua kali dalam setahun (Juni dan Desember). Jurnal berisi tentang gagasan konseptual, hasil penelitian, kajian dan aplikasi teori terkait pengabdian masyarakat.</p> LP3M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Widya Mahadi 2798-1614 PENDAMPINGAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN KDEPE DALAM PENGEMBANGAN TAMAN TEMATIK LIANA DI KEBUN RAYA GIANYAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3387 <p><em>Since its soft opening on July 17 2017, the Gianyar Botanical Gardens has built several thematic parks, namely the upakara thematic park, liana thematic park, and other parks currently under construction. The liana thematic park is one of the thematic parks that is being developed based on the potential diversity of liana plant types that already exist in the KRG. The main problems addressed in mentoring activities in the development of liana thematic gardens are lack of access arrangements to liana thematic park, minimal collection of plant types, minimal information about liana thematic park, and lack of supporting hardscape facilities to increase liana thematic park capacity. Implementation of activities from 29 September to 1 October 2022, by applying the KDEPE approach (Coordination, Documentation, Evaluation, Common Perception and Execution). The results achieved are (a) entry access to the liana thematic park is more organized, making it easier for visitors; (b) there was an increase in the number of liana plant collections based on their types (initial 12 after assistance became 21 types). (c) There is information regarding collection of liana plants with scientific name</em> <em>labels and the writing of a book entitled Liana Botanical Gardens Gianyar.</em></p> I Nengah Suka Widana I Gusti Ayu Rai I Wayan Suanda Ni Nyoman Parmithi Putu Ryan Widyastaguna Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 74 84 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3387 PKM PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK ANAK USIA SEKOLAH MELALUI VIDEO ANIMASI PENGENALAN FAUNA DI BANJAR SIGARAN DESA SEDANG KECAMATAN ABIANSEMAL KABUPATEN BADUNG https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3388 <p><em>Introduction to fauna in English through animated videos is an effort to introduce the names of animals and their habitats orally and in writing. The purpose of this community engagement activity is to (1) imitate and pronounce the English names of animals according to the pictures, (2) match the English words with the animal pictures, and (3) connect the pictures with the written English words. The method used is socialisation and mentoring, by providing materials on the introduction of fauna in English through animated videos. The participants of this activity are 23 students from the 2nd and 3rd grades of SD Negeri 1 Sedang. The results of this activity are: (1) conducting field approaches and observations, (2) the team providing facilities such as material delivery, videos, gifts, and snacks in the form of biscuits and milk to the participants, (3) providing training through materials, games, and question-and-answer sessions, (4) evaluating the participants' understanding of the given materials. The observations and evaluations show that the participants have understood several English vocabulary words related to the names of animals and their habitats.</em></p> Si Putu Agung Ayu Pertiwi Dewi Ni Komang Purwaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 85 90 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3388 PKM. BUDIDAYA LEBAH MADU KELE AGROWISATA ETNO BALI DI DESA BAHA, KECAMATAN MENGWI KABUPATEN BADUNG https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3390 <p><em>Balinese Ethno Bee Agrotourism is located in Baha village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, Bali Province, which is engaged in cultivating honey bees, Kele is a partner in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) activities. The aim of this PKM is to overcome pests that attack Kele honey bees in an effort to increase the production of Kele Honey Bee Cultivation, and to increase sales of honey production from Kele Honey Bee Cultivation. The partner priority problems being assisted are as follows: (1) Pest problems in kele honey bee cultivation. (2) Marketing problems. The solution to deal with all attacks from bee enemies, beekeepers must look for and know the prevention: 1) to prevent ants from entering the bee house, the legs supporting the bee house are smeared with oil or put in a bowl filled with water. To prevent night moths, you can do this by keeping the bee house clean, making the door smaller so that the butterflies cannot enter, strengthening the colony and setting traps at night. If eggs, caterpillars and moths are found in the nest, they must be immediately removed and destroyed. Strengthens bee colonies so they can kill bacteria that attack larvae. Take the infected comb, then destroy it by burning it. Likewise, dealing with lizard and toke attacks requires traps. 2) For marketing, there needs to be online and off-line marketing promotions. The group continues to improve production quality, maintains the quality of honey sold to consumers, makes bottle packaging as attractive as possible and contains special labels to maintain the good name of the producer.</em></p> I Komang Sukendra I Made Darmada I Made Subrata Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 91 100 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3390 PEMBUATAN INFUSED WATER DAUN KAYU MANIS BALI (DAUN KATUK) DAN PEMANFAATANNYA BAGI KESEHATAN https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3391 <p><em>Banjar abasan is one of the banjars in Singapadu village, Sukawati sub-district, Gianyar regency, Bali province, Indonesia, precisely located to the south of banjar kutri and to the north of banjar kebon. Cinnamon plants grow a lot in the homes of banjar abasan residents and most of the residents of banjar abasan do have cinnamon plants in their homes. The purpose of making cinnamon leaf infused water is to produce young men and women of banjar abasan to be able to make cinnamon leaf infused water which in the future can be used as a business or sold by young men and women of banjar abasan because seen from the potential of young men and women of banjar abasan who have the potential to be able to make cinnamon leaf infused water because cinnamon leaf infused water is very beneficial for health. In this service, assistance is provided to the banjar abasan community, especially young people and youths so that they can make and analyze the pH of cinnamon leaf infused water. Socialization and demonstration will be carried out in month 5 which begins with giving a pre-test, then a socialization session, a demonstration session for making cinnamon leaf infused water and testing the pH of cinnamon leaf infused water and ends with giving a post-test in order to hone community knowledge about this community service. This service is very beneficial for the abasan community because they are given knowledge related to cinnamon leaf infused water, the abasan community also gets knowledge on how to make cinnamon leaf infused water and pH testing of cinnamon leaf infused water, with the knowledge given, the abasan community knows and can make infused water independently with the assistance, socialization and demonstration program. The mandatory outputs that have been achieved in this research are: Video of activities on Youtube, news writing in print/electronic media, final report and learning integration.</em></p> Ni Made Sukma Sanjiwani Ni Putu Ayu Mirah Mariati Agung Ari Chandra Wibawa I Wayan Surya Rahadi Dewa Ayu Ika Pramitha I Wayan Sudiarsa Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 101 111 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3391 PKM KELOMPOK TERNAK LEBAH MADU (APIS CERANA) DALAM PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELOMPOK DI DESA BAHA https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3392 <p><em>Apis cerana is a local Asian bee that is distributed almost throughout this continent. Apis cerana is a type of local honey bee that is prone to migration when natural food sources are insufficient. Based on the results of discussions with members of the honey bee group in Baha village, a priority problem that needs to be addressed by group members with assistance from universities can be formulated, namely increasing the ability of group members to be able to adopt appropriate technology for developing honey bees according to required standards so that productivity increases. Adopting technology to reduce mortality rates by using artificial feed. The queen rearing method is used to produce honey bees with high productivity and can carry out post-harvest technology if enough product is produced. The solution offered is to hold outreach. The counseling material concerns: how to develop appropriate, cheap and easy management techniques and develop Apis cerana honey bees, this problem will be informed to honey bee breeders in Baha village, Mengwi sub-district, Badung Regency. Efforts to increase the reproduction and productivity of bees, the application of alternative technology includes the selection of superior seeds and the use/operation of extractor machines in an effort to increase the productivity of bees with their support poles to avoid pests, and how to formulate honey bee animal feed that is cheap, easy to obtain and available in the village. according to livestock needs. After the counseling was carried out, training was carried out for the two groups using three students, such as making colony boxes with supporting poles to avoid pests and diseases of the Apis cerana honey bee.</em></p> I Made Subrata I Dewa Putu Juwana I Made Surat I Wayan Sumandya Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 112 121 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3392 PKM. PELATIHAN PENULISAN KARYA TULIS ILMIAH DAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH DI SDN 3 PENATIH https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3393 <p><em>Scientific publications carried out by teachers are basically a manifestation of teacher professionalism. The aim of this service is to find a solution to the problem of teachers' lack of knowledge in writing scientific papers and scientific publications in the form of classroom action research. This problem can be overcome by increasing capacity through learning with outreach through two approaches, namely training and mentoring. In general, the implementation of PKM at SDN 3 Penatih has run smoothly according to the predetermined schedule. In implementing the 1st and 2nd stages of PKM socialization, much progress has been achieved. In writing scientific papers, conveying scientific information to the general public requires a writing technique that meets scientific rules and ethics in accordance with scientific standards. From the results of the mentoring, the teacher's skills in writing rich scientific writing increased. Scientific writing training discusses the urgency of writing, the systematics of writing papers, and the systematics of making research reports followed by writing articles for publication in nationally accredited scientific journals. The material was delivered by lecturers from the PKM Team at PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia University. The PTK results will later be presented as a condition for promotion for teachers to higher levels.</em></p> Ida Ayu Agung Ekasriadi I Komang Sukendra Putu Dessy Fridayanthi Gusti Ayu Made Puspawati Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 122 131 PKM. PENDAMPINGAN ANAK MELINIAL DALAM MELESTARIKAN SENI PEWAYANGAN BALI SEBAGAI WARISAN BUDAYA LELUHUR DI BANJAR PADANG, DESA KEROBOKAN, KECAMATAN KUTA UTARA KABUPATEN BADUNG, BALI https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3394 <p><em>In addition to its religious function, the Balinese shadow puppet performance art also functions as an educational medium. In this regard, shadow puppet performances can be seen as an informal educational process that has great significance in understanding attitudes, mental, ethical and logical values. In order to preserve Balinese wayang kulit, the role of millennial youth is very important and complex, namely as heir artists (dalang) who preserve wayang art. In general, shadow puppet shows today are still the favorite of the Balinese people, but in several villages the existence of wayang is almost extinct because millennial young people as heirs do not want to learn wayang for reasons of being busy so that one day the art of wayang could be lost. The case is in Banjar Padang, Kerobokan Village, North Kuta District, three regenerating families of shadow puppet masters do not want to learn wayang so they need assistance. The wayang art companion will provide an understanding of the preservation, function and meaning of Balinese wayang, so that service to the community, especially in the world of wayang art, can be realized.</em></p> I Ketut Muada I Nyoman Astawan I Made Indra Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 132 139 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3394 PKM. PEMBERIAN REINFORCEMENT DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DAN PERKEMBANGAN MORAL ANAK DI PAUD III SARASWATI DENPASAR https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3395 <p><em>This PKM is motivated by the absence of a real solution regarding providing reinforcement at PAUD III Saraswati Denpasar school. This service aims to provide a solution for how to provide reinforcement for the moral development of early childhood in preschool education. The methods used are socialization and mentoring. In the implementation of the 1st and 2nd stages of PKM socialization, much progress has been achieved. Data was obtained through free interviews, observation and documentation. Data sources were obtained through school principals, class teachers who functioned as informants. The results of the service found included: In learning aspects of moral development, there were several reinforcements provided by other educators/teachers at PAUD III Saraswati Denpasar, namely: the use of positive reinforcement and the use of negative reinforcement. Learning aspects of moral development at PAUD III Saraswati Denpasar is carried out through all activities including: habituation, singing songs, shouting moral messages, stories, and so on. The impact that occurs after reinforcement is given to children is: positive reinforcement includes: children become happy, enthusiastic about following lessons. Meanwhile, negative reinforcement includes: not repeating bad actions. Providing reinforcement can improve the moral development of early childhood because after being given reinforcement, children who have good moral development increasingly increase their moral development, while children who have less moral development gradually experience positive development over time after being given continuous negative reinforcement.</em></p> I Putu Karpika Luh Putu Swandewi Antari I Made Surat Ni Made Pira Erawati Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 140 150 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3395 PELATIHAN PEMBUKUAN SEDERHANA DAN PERHITUNGAN HARGA JUAL UNTUK KELOMPOK INDUSTRI KAKAO DESA WOLONWALU https://ojs.mahadewa.ac.id/index.php/widyamahadi/article/view/3396 <p><em>Cocoa plants have become one of the superior crops in Sikka Regency. Recognizing this potential, Industri Kakao group took the initiative to process cocoa beans into powder so that it has added value. During the business operation, the group has encountered problems related to the accounting process</em><em>. Industri Kakao</em> <em>g</em><em>roup of Wolonwalu Village has two main accounting problems. First, the recording of transactions is not based on valid transaction evidence and the bookkeeping is not systematic. This also leads to the group never producing profit and loss reports. Second, the determination of selling prices is only based on the cost of raw materials and ignores other costs. Training is provided to address the two problems experienced by the Cocoa Industry Group. The training method uses a lecture approach and practical exercises using Ms. Excel. </em><em>Industri Kakao</em> <em>g</em><em>roup acknowledges that the training provided is targeted and desires ongoing mentoring by the team</em><em>.</em></p> Eugenius Besli Maria Florentina Rumba Gregoriany cesilia Krisphina Dessy Dasilva Maximus Gepa Copyright (c) 2023 LP2M Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 4 1 151 158 10.59672/widyamahadi.v4i1.3396