Digital teaching materials, STEM, learning outcomesAbstract
STEM is an appropriate learning with the demands of the 21st century. This study aims to determine the steps for the development and quality of digital mathematics teaching materials for class X SMA based STEM on trigonometry material. The procedure uses the research and development adaptation Plomp development model that includes four stages, namely a preliminary investigation, design, realization/construction, and testing, evaluation and revision. Sources of data in this study are validators, mathematics teachers and students of SMA Negeri 7 Denpasar. The data collection technique used a validation questionnaire for validation tests, practicality questionnaires for practicality tests and tests for testing the effectiveness of teaching materials. The results of the initial validity test were declared "valid", with the value of validity in the content aspect of 0.72, validity of the presentation aspect of 0.90, language validity 0.92, and media validity 0.93. The results of the second stage the validity test were declared "valid", with a validity value 0.91. The test results on the practicality obtained was 75.8 students and teachers 75.3 categorized as "practical", the results obtained in the evaluation of students had an average of 82.63, it can be interpreted that mathematics teaching materials based STEM “effective” for use in learning
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