Sewagati 2024-06-28T11:07:39+00:00 Gde Iwan Setiawan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal title :</strong> Jurnal Sewagati<br /><strong>Initials :</strong> Sewagati<br /><strong>Frequency</strong> <strong>: </strong>2 Issues every year (June and December)<br /><strong>DOI : </strong>10.59819<br /><strong>ISSN (online) : </strong><a href="">e-ISSN 2985-4083</a><br /><strong>Editor in Chief : </strong>Gde Iwan Setiawan<strong><br />Publisher :</strong> Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Journal of Community Service SEWAGATI </strong>in collaboration with the Association of Higher Education Informatics and Computers <a href="">(APTIKOM BALI)</a>. Sewagati Journal contains writings on applications, science and technology innovations, conceptual ideas and studies in the field of education. In order to increase the level of empowerment of target partners / society. managed by the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI) PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia.</p> <p> </p> MELATIH MOTORIK HALUS PADA ANAK USIA DINI MELALUI KEGIATAN COOKING CLASS 2024-06-22T12:13:58+00:00 Septiani Hapidah <p>Children’s fine motor is one of the children’s developments that has an important aspect in children’s life it is related to children’s daily movements such as, eye-hand coordination and the work of small muscles, wrist flexibility, being able to imitate the shape and skills of using the right and left hands. The importance of fine motor in children need to be stimulated from various forms of activities, children fine motor skills have an influence of the next stage of development, namely writing skills, With the existence of this devotion, it aims to train fine motor skills in children through cooking class activities. The subject in this indication is a child aged 5–6 years. The result of this devotion, children are able to coordinate their hands – eyes and also their small muscles.&nbsp; <br><br></p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Septiani Hapidah EDUKASI PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL BAGI PEMILIH PEMULA SEBAGAI SARANA KAMPANYE PEMILU SERENTAK 2024 DI DESA SUMERTA KELOD 2024-06-22T12:08:47+00:00 I Made Sudiksa , I Nyoman Sunarta Gusi Putu Lestara Permana Ketut Elly Sutrisni Kelvin Cahya Utomo <p>In an effort to ensure the success of the 2024 elections and the creation of peaceful democracy, one approach that can be taken is educating first-time voters on the use of social media. The active role and participation of first-time voters are crucial for the progress of the Indonesian nation. In this regard, the role of academics through community service is very important in ensuring the success of the elections. This community service activity is carried out through thematic community service projects. The goal is to enhance the understanding of first-time voters in Sumber Kelod Village, Denpasar City. The educational method is implemented through socialization using brochures. This socialization is very beneficial and provides new insights for first-time voters. The results of this education are significant in shaping a generation of intelligent, critical, and responsible voters. With sufficient knowledge, high political awareness, and an independent attitude, first-time voters can participate actively and effectively in elections, thereby contributing to a better and higher quality democratic process. Continuous education is essential to ensure that each new generation of voters is prepared to face the challenges and responsibilities in their political lives.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Sudiksa, , I Nyoman Sunarta, Gusi Putu Lestara Permana, Ketut Elly Sutrisni, Kelvin Cahya Utomo SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS: GREENHOST LEADING THE INDUSTRIAL DAY 6.0 CHARGE 2024-06-22T12:00:59+00:00 Utik Kuntariati Luh Eka Susanti A. A. A. Arun Suwi Arianty Putu Dian Yuliani Paramita Ni Made Rinayanthi I Wayan Suadnyana <div>Sustainable Solutions: Greenhost Leading the Industrial Day 6.0 Charge" aims to promote sustainability in the accommodation sector, particularly through the implementation of green practices in hotels and other lodgings. This article presents the methodology and outcomes of a community engagement initiative conducted at the International Institute of Tourism and Business. Through collaborative efforts, including needs assessment, joint action planning, training sessions, environmental assessments, and program development, the project aimed to enhance awareness and adoption of eco-friendly practices. Key findings highlight the importance of collaboration, tailored training, and targeted environmental assessments in advancing sustainability goals in the accommodation <div>industry.</div> </div> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Utik Kuntariati, Luh Eka Susanti, A. A. A. Arum Suwi Arianty, Putu Dian Yuliani Paramita,Ni Made Rinayanthi,I Wayan Suadnyana PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI PRODUK UMKM UNGGULAN DI DESA WISATA AAN, KLUNGKUNG 2024-06-26T05:57:41+00:00 Ida Ayu Etsa Pracintya Retno Juwita Sari I Made Trisna Semara <p>The current flow of digitalization needs to be studied, so that we can always adapt to developments over time, including in the era of digitalization 5.0. Until now, Aan Tourism Village has taken advantage of existing digitalization opportunities by promoting its potential attractions through Instagram social media. Aan Tourism Village which located in Klungkung district, is a tourist village that has the potential for natural, culinary and spiritual tourist attractions. It is important to maximize the use of social media, especially Instagram, to promote the various attractions of Aan Tourism Village, including MSME products produced by local communities as souvenirs for tourists when traveling. The aim of this program was to help the MSME business stake holders in Aan Tourism Village to carry out promotions on Instagram social media, by editing photos using the features offered to beautify photos. The results of this training were; (1) Instagram business social media account, (2) Upload photos of MSME products that have been edited using Instagram editing features, (3) Upload Instagram stories by adding interesting stickers, locations, captions and songs. In conclusion, these three outputs can make the products they offer attractive before uploading them to Instagram social media.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Ayu Etsa Pracintya, Retno Juwita Sari,I Made Trisna Semara PEMANFAATAN KOMODITI LOKAL DALAM PENDAMPINGAN WIRAUSAHA MELALUI PELATIHAN DEVIL PANCAKE DI SMK NEGERI 2 SINGARAJA 2024-06-22T12:11:53+00:00 Dia Aprilla Dua Luh Eka Susanti Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianty <p>In the era of globalization and intense market competition, entrepreneurship is crucial for improving economic quality. One accessible form of entrepreneurship is through micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Entrepreneurship allows communities to enhance their welfare and economic potential, regardless of age, offering vocational high school students the chance to become young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial mentoring for vocational high school students prepares them to innovate and develop strong entrepreneurial traits. This program, conducted in Buleleng Regency, Bali, known for its educational heritage, focuses on culinary entrepreneurship training, particularly in pastry making. Initiated by the Student Association of the D3 Hospitality Program at the International Tourism and Business Institute, the training includes practical food production using local commodities. One notable training involves making Devil Pancake, a simple yet innovative pastry. Participated by Culinary students from SMKN 2 Singaraja, using demonstration and duplication methods to enhance practical skills. Students observed instructors and then practiced independently, significantly improving their understanding and skills. The program yielded positive results, boosting students' confidence and practical experience. Using local ingredients and simple processes reassured students that starting a business is feasible. This program successfully motivated SMKN 2 Singaraja students to pursue entrepreneurship.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dia Aprilla Dua, Luh Eka Susanti, Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianty PELATIHAN QUIZIZZ UNTUK MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PERMAINAN BAGI GURU DI SMA PGRI BLAHBATUH PLUS PARIWISATA (PARISMA BLAHBATUH) 2024-06-22T11:54:47+00:00 Ida Ayu Putu Febri Imawati Ni Luh Putu Risma Noviana I Wayan Dika I Nyoman Bagus Suweta Nugraha Ni Luh Gede Ambaradewi <p>Quizizz training for teachers at SMA PGRI Blahbatuh aims to improve teacher competence in information technology. The training was conducted for one day. Starting from introducing Quzizz in general, making presentations to making quizzes. Based on the training results, trials of using Quizziz independently, and mentoring, teachers have been able to use Quizizz as a learning media.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Ayu Putu Febri Imawati, Ni Luh Putu Risma Noviana, I Wayan Dika, I Nyoman Bagus Suweta Nugraha, Ni Luh Gede Ambaradewi PENERAPAN BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK KASUS KURANGNYA KEPERCAYAAN DIRI PADA SISWA KELAS X PUTRI SMA MTA SURAKARTA 2024-06-23T03:43:36+00:00 Bilqiis Al-Ghaadah Santifa <p>Guidance and counseling is one of the supporting services in teaching and learning activities. In counseling guidance there is one type of guidance, namely group guidance. Group guidance is a counseling method aimed at helping individuals achieve optimal development according to the skills, talents and interests that appear in group situations. Self-confidence is the confidence of someone who dares to display the skills they have and is not afraid when carrying out an action, is responsible for their own actions, treats others politely, has the ability to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. The aim of this service is to increase students' self-confidence. The methods in this service are interviews and group discussions. The subjects in this service are class X female students at MTA Surakarta High School. The result of this service is that students feel their self-confidence increases. This is known through interviews conducted after group guidance, and also through worksheets given to students.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bilqiis Al-Ghaadah Santifa PELATIHAN DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PLASTIK UNTUK MENDUKUNG EKONOMI SIRKULAR DI DESA SESETAN 2024-06-23T03:45:00+00:00 I Putu Eka Indrawan Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi Gde Iwan Setiawan I Kadek Juni Arta <p>The village of Sesetan is known to have high artistic and cultural value in Bali and has been worldwide, with communities engaged in art and culture for a long time. The art of carving, barbecue performances, and carving is very popular with tourists. However, an increased standard of living leads to increased plastic waste, which is difficult to clean, disturbing appearance, and a source of disease. Information about how to turn plastic garbage into a high-value product is crucial to society.&nbsp; In Sesetan Village, a team of lecturers from the University of PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia conducted a Social Bakti to socialize and encourage people to transform plastic garbage into innovative and creative products. As a result of this activity, people learn how to manage plastic garbage, how to use it to make bags and pots of crops, and to make artworks of "Barong" and eyelashes from plastic trash.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Putu Eka Indrawan, Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi, Gde Iwan Setiawan, I Kadek Juni Arta PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN MELALUI PELATIHAN MERANGKAI BUNGA GUNA MENUMBUHKAN KETERAMPILAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN 2024-06-22T12:10:40+00:00 Sang Ayu Putu Citra Utami Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianty Luh Eka Susanti <p>Vocational High School (SMK) or vocational education is a balanced combination of theory and practice with an orientation towards the work readiness of its graduates. Vocational school graduates can not only work in certain fields, but can also go on to higher education and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial skills are creative and innovative abilities in developing a business so that it is different from others. Not just bouquet business. The implementation method for this activity different, but also analyzing market potential to gain profits. A business or business skill that is possible and is often used as a souvenir for other people is the flower bouquet or snack is the demonstration and duplication method which focuses on female students in classes X and XI, SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja. This vocational high school competency development activity was held on June 8 2023, in the Hall of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja which is located at Jl. Srikandi, No.9, Babakan, Baktiseraga, Buleleng. This activity was attended by students of SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja classes X and XI, a total of 15 participants. The objectives of this vocational high school student competency development activity are focused on, 1) Fostering creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through a series of snack bouquets. 2) Provide knowledge and skills and be able to see business opportunities.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sang Ayu Putu Citra Utami, Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianty, Luh Eka Susanti PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS ANIMASI DENGAN SPARKOL BAGI GURU SMP N 1 KEDIRI 2024-06-22T12:04:03+00:00 I Wayan Juliawan <p>Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di SMP N 1 Kediri yang terletak di di Jl. Terunajaya No 22, Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Tabanan Bali. Dari hasil pengamatan permasalahan pokok yang dialami mitra yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan guru dalam pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran. Saat ini sebagian besar guru hanya memanfaatkan media pembelajaran konvensional seperti power point, video pembelajaran sederhana dan beberapa media konvensional lainnya. Hal ini menjadikan proses pembelajaran menjadi kurang menarik bagi peserta didik, sehingga mengakibatkan kurangkanya motivasi dan minat belajar peserta didik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di sekolah mitra. Dimana solusi yang diberikan yaitu berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan pada guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya dalam merancang media pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif sehingga dapat meningkatkan minat dan motivasi peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. Secara khusus tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran berbasis animasi dengan Sparkol. Evaluasi terhadap peserta dilakukan nberdasarkan respon peserta terhadap pertanyaan dalam angket sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari: tahap sosialisasi, tahap pelatihan serta tahap evaluasi. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan bahwa 89% guru peserta pelatihan setuju bahwa menggunakan video animasi dapat meningkatkan animo belajar siswa.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Juliawan KEGIATAN PENGABDIAN PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI WISATA DESA BUGBUG MELALUI PEMBUATAN VIDEO PROMOSI WISATA 2024-06-22T11:52:59+00:00 Kadek Arya Wirtiana Putra M Ni Wayan Wardani I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra Putu Gede Surya Cipta Nugraha <p>Bugbug Village is one of the old villages in Bali. Bugbug Village is located in Karangasem District, Bali Regency. Bugbug Village is a village that is rich in natural resources, human resources, and artificial resources. Therefore, Bugbug Village is one of the favorite tourist destinations in Karangasem Regency, Bali, for both domestic and foreign tourists. Tourist destination villages must have a strong strategy to compete with other tourist destinations in a very competitive tourism market. Promotion and marketing are important ways to make villages develop and attract the attention of tourists. Utilizing information technology is the right step for active promotion, such as using websites and social media as a forum for promotion. To support this, content is needed that can be used for promotion in online media, such as photos, posters, and promotional videos.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kadek Arya Wirtiana Putra M, Ni Wayan Wardani, I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra, Putu Gede Surya Cipta Nugraha STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN BERKELNAJUTAN PADA MASYARAKAT PENATIH: INTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI TRI HITA KARANA DALAM PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI LOKAL 2024-06-23T04:02:25+00:00 Putu Diah Asrida I Gede Agus Adi Saputra <p>Pengabdian ini membahas strategi pengembangan kewirausahaan berkelanjutan pada Masyarakat Penatih dengan fokus pada integrasi nilai-nilai Tri Hita Karana dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi lokal. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif yang melibatkan kolaborasi antara berbagai pemangku kepentingan, program pengabdian ini mengadopsi pendekatan holistik yang mencakup pelatihan dan pendidikan. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrasi nilai-nilai Tri Hita Karana dalam strategi pengembangan kewirausahaan mampu memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi lokal, dengan membuka peluang baru bagi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usaha berkelanjutan yang menghormati budaya lokal dan alam. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya menghargai dan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dalam pembangunan ekonomi komunitas, serta perlunya kolaborasi antar berbagai pihak dalam mendukung pembangunan kewirausahaan berkelanjutan yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Diah Asrida, I Gede Agus Adi Saputra PELATIHAN PRAKTEK SITUS SEJARAH MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN SEJARAH UNIVERSITAS PGRI MAHADEWA INDONESIA DI CANDI GUNUNG KAWI, GIANYAR BALI 2024-06-22T12:02:56+00:00 I Nyoman Bayu Pramartha Ni Putu Yuniarika Parwati Ni Luh Putu Tejawati Dewa Made Alit <p>Praktek situs adalah salah satu program kegiatan proses pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan peninggalan berupa objek sejarah sebagai dasar penerapan langsung kegiatannya. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan metode ceramah, metode karya wisata, metode bimbingan dan metode pelatihan. Materi pelatihan praktek situs&nbsp; sejarah ini antara lain: Materi yang diberikan adalah dasar-dasar situs sejarah, cara menjadi melakukan praktek situs, situs sejarah yang akan digunakan untuk kegiatan pelatihan praktik situs. Dapat dijelaskn hasil observasi selama kegiatan berlangsung, dapat ditarik kesimpulan kepada peserta pelatihan praktik situs, materi yang diebrikan kepada peserta dapat diterima dengan baik. Respon dari pelatihan sangat positif dan antusias. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini antara lain 1) dapat memahami dasar-dasar praktik situs sejarah 2) memahami tugas dan studi praktek situs sejarah 3) Berlatih menjadi pelatih situs dari cara mencari jejak sejarah , dan mengkaji jejak secara lewat praktik situs secara langsung 4) mampu menjadi individu yang dapat mengkaji pristiwa-pristiwa sejarah lewat kajian praktek situs sejarah.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Nyoman Bayu Pramartha, Ni Putu Yuniarika Parwati, Ni Luh Putu Tejawati, Dewa Made Alit