Sewagati 2024-12-30T09:25:52+00:00 Gde Iwan Setiawan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal title :</strong> Jurnal Sewagati<br /><strong>Initials :</strong> Sewagati<br /><strong>Frequency</strong> <strong>: </strong>2 Issues every year (June and December)<br /><strong>DOI : </strong>10.59819<br /><strong>ISSN (online) : </strong><a href="">e-ISSN 2985-4083</a><br /><strong>Editor in Chief : </strong>Gde Iwan Setiawan<strong><br />Publisher :</strong> Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Journal of Community Service SEWAGATI </strong>in collaboration with the Association of Higher Education Informatics and Computers <a href="">(APTIKOM BALI)</a>. Sewagati Journal contains writings on applications, science and technology innovations, conceptual ideas and studies in the field of education. In order to increase the level of empowerment of target partners / society. managed by the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI) PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia.</p> <p> </p> PEMANFAATAN TEMPE SEBAGAI KOMODITI LOKAL UNTUK PASAR GLOBAL 2024-12-15T11:22:33+00:00 I Wayan Agus Rangga Saputra Luh Eka Susanti Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianti <p><em>Tempeh, one of Indonesia's traditional fermented foods, has great potential to become an international culinary commodity because of its high nutritional content and relevance to healthy and sustainable food trends. However, the main problems faced are the use of tempeh which is only processed into household food, lack of product innovation, and packaging that is not attractive for the global market. Small businesses also face problems with a lack of understanding of good marketing strategies. This community service aims to provide business actors and entrepreneurial students with an understanding of the potential of tempeh as a competitive local commodity in the global market. Hygienic production processes, high-quality fermentation methods, creative packaging and digital marketing techniques are taught to participants in this service. The methods used include technical training, live demonstrations and interactive discussions guided by expert speakers in the field of food technology. Participants are also trained to utilize digital platforms such as marketplaces and social media to expand market reach. The results of the service show that business actors are able to understand the importance of production and packaging standards to meet export requirements. Product innovations, such as crispy tempeh and energy balls, received a positive response as diversification that suits global market tastes. Digital-based marketing strategies also provide opportunities to reach global consumers. By overcoming these challenges, tempeh has great potential to compete in international markets as a superior local product in Indonesia.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Agus Rangga Saputra, Luh Eka Susanti, Anak Agung Ayu Arun Suwi Arianti PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI DAN PENGEMBANGAN PEMASARAN INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA PANGAN KHAS KABUPATEN TABANAN IBU SUMAWATI 2024-12-15T13:05:15+00:00 Made Agus Putra Subali I Gusti Rai Agung Sugiartha Anak Agung Gede Purantara <p>The partner traditional food home industry sells <em>lawar</em>, <em>tum</em>, and <em>timbungan</em>. Every day the partners process 6 kg of meat, 0.5 kg of chilies, 1 kg of shallots, and 0.5 kg of garlic. The amount of production in a day reaches 5 <em>timbungan</em>, 12 packs of <em>lawar</em>, and 50 packs of <em>tum</em>. The produce is marketed locally at partners' kiosks from four in the afternoon to seven in the evening. The partner's business has the potential to develop further, because the number of orders on holidays and weekends can increase by up to 50% currently, the partner has problems with a shortage of production and product marketing quantities. The solution to overcome partner problems is carried out by providing assistance with production equipment, installing packaging labels, and installing brochures, banners, and promotions via social media Instagram and Facebook. Based on the activities that have been carried out, the results obtained are that the production equipment assistance provided is able to increase the number of partners' production by up to 50% and make the production time process more efficient. Creating Instagram and Facebook social media can be an alternative for marketing partner products to reach a wider market share. Apart from that, other capabilities obtained by partners, such as the use of production equipment and product packaging with packaging labels, have increased by up to 100%.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Made Agus Putra Subali, I Gusti Rai Agung Sugiartha, Anak Agung Gede Purantara EDUKASI PEMASARAN DIGITAL DAN PELATIHAN BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI SISWA SD NEGERI 2 SERANGAN 2024-12-02T02:22:55+00:00 intan Nirmalasari I Made Trisna Semara Putu Eka Wirawan Ni Luh Putu Eka wahyuni Ni Made Yulistia Dewi <p>The Sanur Tourism Area, particularly Serangan Village, has significant tourism potential with its spiritual, marine, and culinary attractions. To support the development of Serangan Village it is essential to enhance the skills of the local community, especially in English language proficiency and the use of digital technology. At SD Negeri 2 Serangan, there are challenges related to the limited number of English language teachers and the students' low understanding of digital marketing. This activity aims to provide English language training and digital marketing education to students to enhance their competitiveness in the global era. The methods used include needs analysis, interviews, observations, as well as lectures and practical exercises in creating digital content. The results of this program show that digital marketing education helped students understand how to use social media to promote Serangan Village, while interactive English language training improved their language skills. Through this initiative, it is expected that the youth of Serangan Village will actively contribute to local tourism development and be better prepared for global challenges.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Putu Intan Nirmalasari, I Made Trisna Semara, Putu Eka Wirawan, Ni Luh Putu Eka Wahyuni, Ni Made Yulistia Dewi PELATIHAN IMPLEMENTASI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INDEX (SINTA) UNTUK DOSEN DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KINERJA PERGURUAN TINGGI 2024-12-17T07:00:53+00:00 I Made Trisna Semara Putu Eka Wirawan I Made Krisna Adi Chandra <p>Performance of science and technology institutions in Indonesia is managed and measured by Sinta. Outreach is needed for lecturers and university verifiers due to its functions. The objectives are 1) to equalize perceptions regarding Sinta's features and facilitation; 2) provide guidance, technical instructions and problem solving in the data verification process for lecturers and institutions at each university; 3) Guide verifiers in universities therefore the quality of the data in Sinta is well maintained. The training methods used are lectures, discussions and group and/or individual tutorials. The results of the activity will be useful for evaluating the performance of lecturers and universities effectively and efficiently in order to increase the number and quality of lecturers' performance as a main purpose of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Trisna Semara, Putu Eka Wirawan, I Made Krisna Adi Chandra PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PELATIHAN BUDIDAYA LEBAH MADU KELE-KELE (TRIGONA Spp.) DI DESA BATUAN KALER, KECAMATAN SUKAWATI, GIANYAR 2024-12-28T10:56:57+00:00 Gede Sidi Artajaya Sidi Artajaya A.A. Istri Mirah Dharmadewi Ni Ketut Erawati <p>Community empowerment is one of the important strategies in improving the social and economic welfare of the Batuan Kaler Village community. This study aims to develop the potential of the Batuan Kaler Village community, Sukawati District, Gianyar, through training in the cultivation of kele-kele honey bees (Trigona spp.). The training method involves a participatory approach that includes theoretical counseling, direct practice, and ongoing mentoring. Trigona spp. bees were chosen because of their simple maintenance, low cost, and honey production that has high economic value. The results of the activity showed an increase in community knowledge and skills in honey bee cultivation, as well as the potential for developing sustainable Trigona spp. honey-based micro-businesses. This program not only provides economic benefits but also contributes to environmental conservation through the sustainability of the bee ecosystem. This program is expected to provide further contributions and government support in developing markets for local honey products.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gede Sidi Artajaya Sidi Artajaya, A.A. Istri Mirah Dharmadewi, Ni Ketut Erawati2 PENERAPAN GOOGLE FORM SEBAGAI ALAT EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN DI SD N 5 KEDIRI 2024-12-16T05:18:55+00:00 Juliawan Wayan Ni Wayan Suastini Ni Komang Sri Yuliastini I Wayan Susanta Roro Dwi Umi Badriah Kadek Suharditha <p style="margin-left: 163.05pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Garamond',serif;">This community service activity was carried out at SD N 5 Kediri, located at Jl. Melati No.6, Kediri, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The purpose of this activity was to provide socialization and share knowledge about the use of one of Google's applications, Google Forms, which can facilitate teachers in assessment or evaluation systems. Traditionally conducted in class using paper, these assessments are replaced with a sophisticated application that can be downloaded for free online. The data collection technique used in this activity was through questionnaires. The socialization activity organized by the community service team at SD N 5 Kediri, in collaboration with the teachers, received positive feedback as it helped teachers understand the use of information technology and the application of Google Forms for evaluating students' learning progress.</span></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IWayan Juliawan, Ni Wayan Suastini, Ni Komang Sri Yuliastini, I Wayan Susanta, Roro Dwi Umi Badriah, Kadek Suharditha MENGENALKAN BERAGAM PROFESI ORANG TUA PADA ANAK KELAS 1 MELALUI GAMBAR VISUAL DAN BERCERITA 2024-12-17T07:59:34+00:00 Ida Ayu Putu Febri Imawati Ni Luh Putu Risma Noviana I Wayan Dika <p>The introduction and socialization of parents' professions at SD Negeri 3 Belega is part of the introduction to the school environment. The introduction of parents' professions aims to foster their understanding of the diversity of roles in society and appreciate the contribution of each profession. The introduction of this profession is full of meaning that can direct children regarding their interests and future goals. The introduction of this profession is carried out using interesting visual presentation media and storytelling. The results of this activity illustrate that the students of SD Negeri 3 Belega have been able to understand the basic concepts of parents' professions and even tell stories about the professions of their parents and the people around them. The approach of interesting visual images and storytelling is suitable for learning because it increases enthusiasm, active interaction, and interest in further exploration of children.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imawati, IAPF, Luh Putu Risma Noviana, I Wayan Dika PEMANFAATAN LAHAN TIDAK PODUKTIF DI DESA PESANGGRAHAN BATU UNTUK BUDIDAYA MELON DAN KALE MENGGUNAKAN METODE HIDROPONIK RAKIT APUNG 2024-12-15T10:42:36+00:00 <p>Pesanggrahan Village is one of the villages located in Batu District, Batu City. Geographically, this village is located on the slopes of Mount Pesanggrahan. The residents of this village have their main livelihoods as cattle breeders and vegetable farmers. The vegetables that are often planted are chilies, tomatoes, mustard greens, lettuce, spring onions, eggplants, and cucumbers. The method used to plant these vegetables is still traditional, namely by planting directly in the soil or plantation land. This community service activity was carried out based on situation analysis and discussions with the RT head and the PKK mothers' group of Pesanggrahan Batu village. This activity aims to overcome various problems such as unproductive land, low income of PKK mothers' families, lack of knowledge of hydroponic plant cultivation, and knowledge of post-harvest fruit handling and marketing. This activity involved 14 KKN students to utilize idle land in the Pesanggrahan Batu area in order to produce vegetable products that are beneficial to the local community. so that the requirements for clean water have been met.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yatim Lailun Ni’mah, Suprapto Suprapto, Harmami Harmami, Grasianto, Fredy Kurniawan, Ita Ulfin, Kartika Anoraga Madurani, Hanson Salim, Reiza Arya Ardhana, Anastacia Jingga Martissa, Fikriyatus Sofi, Melvi Yanifa Maharani, Anifatul Ummah, Ergan Pranata PENATAAN JENIS TANAMAN BERBASIS HOME GARDEN UNTUK MENDUKUNG KELESTARIAN SUMBER PAKAN TRIGONA DI DESA BUKIT JANGKRIK 2024-12-02T02:31:48+00:00 I Putu Eka Indrawan Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi <p>The Trigona honey bee farming business has rapidly developed in Bukit Jangkrik Village due to its simple cultivation and maintenance techniques. The success of this cultivation heavily depends on the availability of feed sources throughout the year, which are generally obtained from home garden-based yards. Unfortunately, the community's knowledge about the types of nectar, pollen, and resin-producing plants as food sources is still lacking, so their feeding needs have not yet been met. In order to support the sustainability of Trigona's food sources, PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia is conducting community service activities by creating a demonstration plot of an agroforestry-based home garden model. This model combines annual fruit-bearing plants such as Durian, Matoa, Kelengkeng, Mangga, Murbei, Jeruk, Anggur, and Jambu biji, with flowering plants that produce nectar, pollen, and resin throughout the season, such as Matahari, Air Mata Pengantin, Asoka, and Kastuba. The results of the activities show the success of this demonstration plot in providing a sustainable food source, thanks to the strategic and potential arrangement of plant types. In conclusion, this agroforestry-based home garden model serves as a practical solution that not only supports the sustainability of Trigona bee cultivation but also involves the community in maintaining the local ecosystem through the planting of multifunctional plants.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Putu Eka Indrawan, Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN BROSUR SEBAGAI STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PADA PASAR BADUNG 2024-12-15T13:42:33+00:00 Ni Made Rinayanthi Putu Dian Yuliani Paramita <p>The brochure creation training as a marketing communication strategy at Pasar Badung aims to enhance traders' ability to promote their products and services through effective and attractive printed media. Brochures are an important communication tool in marketing, providing clear information and stimulating consumer interest. This training focuses on teaching graphic design and persuasive content writing, which not only highlights the uniqueness of the products but also attracts the target market, including both tourists and local communities. Through this training, traders at Pasar Badung are equipped with skills to create aesthetically pleasing, informative, and market-appropriate brochures. Additionally, participants are trained in selecting appropriate distribution channels, both physically at the market location and digitally via social media to expand marketing reach. The expected outcome of this training is to enhance the image of Pasar Badung as a unique and appealing shopping destination, while also introducing local products in a more professional manner. With well-designed brochures, Pasar Badung can more effectively attract visitors and increase transaction volumes, ultimately contributing to local economic growth and the tourism sector in Bali. This training is a strategic step in supporting the development of traditional markets as part of Bali's sustainable creative economy.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Made Rinayanthi, Putu Dian Yuliani Paramita PERAN PERGURUAN TINGGI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN AGROWISATA BERKELANJUTAN UNTUK MENEKAN KERUSAKAN LINGKUNGAN DI SAMBLONG, JEMBRANA, BALI 2024-12-16T05:30:59+00:00 I Wayan Sumandya A.A Istri Mirah Dharmadewi I Kadek Yudha Pranata Made Agus Wijaya I Putu Pasek Suryawan Ni Putu Sri Ratna Dewi I Gusti Ayu Mira Ardanantya I Gusti Ketut Adnyani Tiurma Silvia Leonita Desak Made Echa Herawati I Putu Darma Yuda <p>The development of sustainable agrotourism in Samblong, Jembrana, Bali, is a strategic solution to mitigate environmental degradation. This community service program aims to optimize the role of higher education institutions in supporting sustainable agrotourism development through participatory methods, training, research, and the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies. The method used involves a participatory approach, where local communities are engaged in the planning and implementation of the program. Higher education institutions provide training in agrotourism management, sustainable agricultural practices, and digital marketing, as well as technical assistance in using eco-friendly technologies. The results of this community service show an increased understanding among the community about the concept of sustainable agrotourism and the application of organic waste management technologies. Research conducted by the university yielded environmental data used as the foundation for long-term land management planning. Additionally, there was an improvement in the community's skills in promoting agrotourism digitally, directly impacting income growth. Collaboration between universities, local communities, and regional governments also succeeded in strengthening synergy in managing natural resources. Overall, this program has successfully reduced the rate of environmental degradation and improved the welfare of the community in Samblong.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Sumandya, A.A Istri Mirah Dharmadewi, I Kadek Yudha Pranata, Made Agus Wijaya, I Putu Pasek Suryawan, Ni Putu Sri Ratna Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Mira Ardanantya, I Gusti Ketut Adnyani, Tiurma Silvia Leonita, Desak Made Echa Herawati, I Putu Darma Yuda OPTIMALISASI PEMANFAATAN VIDEO SEBAGAI ALAT PROMOSI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN POPULARITAS DESA WISATA BAKAS, KLUNGKUNG 2024-12-23T14:13:42+00:00 Retno Juwita Sari Ida Ayu Etsa Pracintya I Wayan Putra Aditya <p>The digitalization 5.0 nowdays needs to be studied in order to adapt with the tourism developments over time, including in the promotion sector. One of the developing tourism village is Bakas. Bakas Tourism Village has taken advantage of existing digitalization opportunities by promoting its potential attractions through Instagram social media. Bakas Tourism Village which located in Klungkung district, is a tourist village that has the potential for natural, culinary and spiritual tourist attractions. It is important to maximize the use of social media, to promote the various attractions of Bakas Tourism Village. The aim of this program was to help the stake holders in Bakas Tourism Village to carry out promotions on social media, by editing videos and photos using the features offered to edit in various social media. The results of this training were; (1) Developing business social media account, (2) Uploading photos of that have been edited using various editing features, (3) Uploading videos by adding interesting filters, captions and songs. In conclusion, these three outputs can make the products they offer more attractive before uploading them to social media accounts.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Retno Juwita Sari, Ida Ayu Etsa Pracintya, I Wayan Putra Aditya PROGRAM PENDAMPINGAN LATIHAN FISIK: PENINGKATAN KUALITAS ATLET TENIS MEJA CLUB PERSATUAN TENIS MEJA APC 2024-12-15T10:00:39+00:00 Putu Diah Asrida I Gede Agus Adi Saputra <p>The community service program which takes the title Physical Training Assistance: Improving the Quality of Table Tennis Athletes of the APC Table Tennis Association Club, is an activity that aims to improve the physical performance of table tennis athletes through targeted and measurable physical exercise. This program involves professional physical trainers who provide intensive assistance to athletes in improving strength, endurance, agility and reaction speed which are important aspects of table tennis. In addition, the program also educated local coaches and the community on the importance of physical training in supporting technical performance and reducing the risk of injury. The results of the program showed significant improvements in the physical aspects of athletes, with improvements in muscle strength, endurance, and agility that had a direct impact on on-court performance. The program also reduced the risk of injury through the application of proper warm-up techniques and educational exercises. The education provided succeeded in increasing the understanding of coaches and athletes about the importance of physical components in athlete development. The sustainability and replication of this program is expected to support the achievements of table tennis athletes in national and international competitions</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Agus Adi Saputra, Putu Diah Asrida