
The current flow of digitalization needs to be studied, so that we can always adapt to developments over time, including in the era of digitalization 5.0. Until now, Aan Tourism Village has taken advantage of existing digitalization opportunities by promoting its potential attractions through Instagram social media. Aan Tourism Village which located in Klungkung district, is a tourist village that has the potential for natural, culinary and spiritual tourist attractions. It is important to maximize the use of social media, especially Instagram, to promote the various attractions of Aan Tourism Village, including MSME products produced by local communities as souvenirs for tourists when traveling. The aim of this program was to help the MSME business stake holders in Aan Tourism Village to carry out promotions on Instagram social media, by editing photos using the features offered to beautify photos. The results of this training were; (1) Instagram business social media account, (2) Upload photos of MSME products that have been edited using Instagram editing features, (3) Upload Instagram stories by adding interesting stickers, locations, captions and songs. In conclusion, these three outputs can make the products they offer attractive before uploading them to Instagram social media.


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