Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Team Games Tournament Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Pada Matapelajaran Ekonomi Siswa Kelas X4 SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Application of Team Games Tournament-based learning model to increase learning activity in economics subjects of grade X4 high school students 8 Denpasar Academic Year 2023/2024


Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Team Games Tournament , Hasil Belajar Ekonomi


This research aims to describe the application of the Team Games
Tournament (TGT) learning model to increase student activity in economic
education subjects in class X4 SMAN 8 Denpasar Academic Year 2023/2024,
totaling 45 students. The approach used is a qualitative approach and a type
of classroom action research (CAR). Which consists of 2 cycles and each
cycle consists of 2 meetings with stages of planning, implementation,
observation and reflection activities. Data collection uses observation, test
and documentation formats. The data analysis used is qualitative. Based on
the results of observations of teacher teaching activities in cycle 1, meeting 1
was categorized as poor (K), meeting 2 was categorized as sufficient (C) and
in cycle II, meeting 1 was said to be sufficient (C) meeting 2 was said to be
good (B). The application of a team games tournament (TGT) based learning
model in economics learning can increase the activity of class X4 SMAN
students 8 Denpasar.
Keywords: Team Games Tournament (TGT) Based Learning Model,
Economic Learning Outcomes


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