Manajemen dan Teknologi Informasi2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Gde Iwan Setiawanftimahadewa@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal title :</strong> Jurnal Manajemen dan Teknologi Informasi<br /><strong>Initials :</strong> JMTI<br /><strong>Frequency</strong> <strong>: </strong>2 Issues every year (April and October)<br /><strong>DOI : </strong>10.59819<br /><strong>ISSN (online) : </strong><a href="">e-ISSN 2721-7604</a><br /><strong>Editor in Chief :</strong>I Kadek Juni Arta, S.Kom.,M.Kom<strong><br />Publisher :</strong> Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Journal of Management and Information Technology</strong> in collaboration with the Association of Higher Education Informatics and Computers <a href="">(APTIKOM BALI)</a>. Journal of Management and Information Technology is a journal that contains conceptual ideas, research results, application theory studies related to management science and information technology managed by the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI) PGRI Mahadewa University Indonesia.</p> USABILITY PADA APLIKASI SISTEM PELAYANAN RAKYAT SID`OARJO (SIPRAJA) MENGGUNAKAN METODE HEURISTIC EVALUATION DAN SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE2024-10-27T14:17:34+00:00arsa<p>This study aims to analyze the usability of the Sidoarjo Public Service System (SIPRAJA) application using Heuristic Evaluation and the System Usability Scale (SUS) methods. The SUS results provide an average score of 49.63. The Heuristic Evaluation identifies problems and strengths based on design principles, while SUS quantitatively assesses the application's usability. The Heuristic Evaluation results show that most usability aspects fall into the "poorly functioning features" category, with some aspects such as "Error Prevention" receiving better ratings. indicating that the SIPRAJA application requires significant improvements to enhance usability and user satisfaction. This research provides a basis for improvement recommendations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public services through this application.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 arsa firzatullah BANGUN MESIN PEMURNIAN VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) DENGAN METODE SENTRIFUGAL BERBASIS INTERNET OF THGINGS (IoT)2024-10-11T14:42:06+00:00Pankrasianus Josri Sudirmanjosrysudirman@gmail.comAyu Aprilyana Kusuma Wayan<p>Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a virgin coconut oil produced from the extraction process of fresh coconut meat without the use of chemicals or high temperatures. VCO has high economic value with various health benefits. The process of making VCO involves a centrifugal machine to separate the oil from coconut milk. However, the control of the VCO Purification machine still relies on manual intervention by the operator, which can lead to human error and affect production efficiency. In order to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of human error, Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Application technologies can be applied in the control of VCO Purification machines. The programming language used is PHP because it can be accessed on various platforms, especially Mobile. The sensor used is an IR (Infrared) speed sensor for measuring rotational speed. The Mobile Application can be a convenient interface for operators to control and record the operation history of the VCO purification machine. This research has succeeded in developing an IoT and Mobile Application-based control system that is effective in controlling VCO purification machines, increasing production efficiency, and reducing the risk of human error.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 pankrasianusjosrisudirman jo, Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi, I Wayan Dika SYSTEM LOYALTI MANAJEMEN (RENATA) MENGGUNAKAN FRAME WORK LARAVEL 9 STUDI KASUS AGUNG TOYOTA KUTA2024-10-26T15:35:27+00:00I Made Putra Mahayasamitra.tokopedia@yahoo.comI Nyoman Bagus Suweta Luh Gede<p>Loyalty programs are designed to encourage and maintain customer loyalty to a brand, company, or product. In these programs, customers are often given incentives, rewards, or special benefits in exchange for repeat purchases or other desired behaviors. The primary goal of loyalty programs is to increase customer retention, strengthen the relationship between the brand and customers, and enhance the customers' lifetime value. To identify loyal customers at Agung Toyota Kuta, a tool is needed to expedite the determination of customer status. In this research, data collection methods through interviews and observations are complemented by conducting literature studies on books, theses, journals, data collection, and references that support this research. The system development method uses the waterfall method, and the program design uses the Laravel framework. The implemented system is expected to help determine loyal customers so that it can provide various types of benefits, such as discounts, access to exclusive offers, or other special treatments to loyal customers. The company can enhance its promotional strategies and communication systems so that customers become more aware of the workshop's loyalty program. By providing accurate information systems regarding customer loyalty programs that are accessible to those concerned.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 i made putra mahayasa, I Nyoman Bagus Suweta Nugraha, Ni Luh Gede Ambaradewi BANGUN PEMASARAN PRODUK BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDES) MERTA SEDANA SELAT BERBASIS WEB MENUJU SMART VILLAGE2024-10-27T14:19:28+00:00I Ketut Darma Nugraha Tutdedarmanugraha2@gmail.comI Kadek Juni Nyoman Bagus Suweta<p>The use of information technology in village development, as seen in the Smart Village in Merta Sedana Selat Village, has brought significant changes in the economic and service sectors. However, BUMDes Merta Sedana Selat still faces obstacles due to the lack of technology application in product marketing management. Therefore, the development of a web-based product marketing information system is a solution to help increase BUMDes' business and expand the reach of product marketing. The system uses the Waterfall method for its development, with appropriate hardware and software to support efficiency in product marketing management.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Ketut Darma Nugraha Tutde, I Kadek Juni Arta, I Nyoman Bagus Suweta Nugraha OF CANNY EDGE DETECTION METHOD FOR FACIAL RECOGNITION IN DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING2024-10-26T13:32:47+00:00Luh Putu Risma Putu Eka Iwan<p>The document explores the application of the Canny Edge Detection method in facial recognition systems, specifically for identifying edge patterns in digital images. In the context of technological advancements, the focus is on enhancing data processing through efficient image analysis techniques. The research addresses how different edge detection methods, including Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel, and Canny, function, with the latter being highlighted for its superior ability to minimize error and deliver accurate edge detection results. The study outlines the development of a system designed to identify optimal edge detection parameters using the Canny method, focusing on facial images captured from the front. The system is limited to edge identification in such images, and performance is measured using a correlation coefficient. The process involves several technical steps, such as pre-processing the image (grayscale conversion and noise reduction) and using Gaussian filters and hysteresis thresholding to refine the detection. The research's ultimate aim is to optimize Canny's performance for identifying edges, contributing to advancements in facial recognition technology.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Luh Putu Risma Noviana, I Putu Eka Indrawan, Gde Iwan Setiawan AUGMENTED REALITY SEBAGAI MEDIA BELAJAR BERBASIS ANDROID BAGI SISWA KELAS 4 SD NEGERI 11 SESETAN2024-10-11T14:42:39+00:00Made Gede Putu Luh Gede<p>Low learning interest among students, especially fourth-grade elementary school students, often becomes an obstacle in achieving optimal learning outcomes. To help make the learning process more effective and efficient, educational media are used as intermediaries between educators and learners that connect, provide information, and deliver messages. With the advancement of technology, the education world faces new challenges in applying technology to learning activities, particularly in the development of educational media. One technology that can support learning is Augmented Reality (AR). The main component of Augmented Reality is a 3D object that appears when a marker is scanned by software or an application. This will make students more interested in learning because of the animated 3D objects. In this research, the researcher developed "Augmented Reality Technology as an Android-Based Learning Media for Fourth-Grade Students at SD Negeri 11 Sesetan" to assist teachers and students in the learning process. With it students will become more interested in the learning process when using this AR-based educational media</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bhismayoga Made, I Gede Putu Megayasa, Ni Luh Gede Ambaradewi METODE NAÏVE BAYES UNTUK PREDIKSI KELAYAKAN BANTUAN MODAL DAN KREDIT USAHA DI DESA SELAT ABIANSEMAL BADUNG2024-10-26T15:34:26+00:00Gusti Ayu Putu Setia Antarisetiaantari@gmail.comGde Iwan Ayu Putu Febri<p>Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are small-scale businesses carried out by individuals or business entities with a certain amount of net worth and sales proceeds. MSMEs in Abiansemal Strait Village, Badung, still use manual methods in analyzing data. Conditions like this are the basis for this study to create a system that can help make it easier for the Abiansemal Badung Strait Village if there is an assistance program from the government, both business capital assistance, and business credit applications to be given to MSME actors. Naïve Bayes' method of classifying MSMEs is built on concepts explored from the interview process, literature studies and system implementation. The design of this system was made using the Python programming language. The CRISP-DM model is a system development method used in the classification of MSMEs. The Feasibility Prediction Model for Capital Assistance and Business Credit using the Naïve Bayes Method can make it easier for users to find out whether the existence of a web-based classification and recommendation system can make it easier for users to carry out the MSME classification process easily and users can see the solutions recommended by referral MSMEs that have better business conditions directly. </p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Setia, Gde Iwan Setiawan, Ida Ayu Putu Febri Imawati BANGUN SISTEM PENGAJUAN BIMBINGAN REKOGNISI PEMBELAJARAN LAMPAU (RPL) PADA PROGRAM PROFESI INSINYUR UNIVERSITAS UDAYANA2024-10-27T14:18:30+00:00Ni Ketut Relawatiketutrelawati99@gmail.comIda Ayu Putu Febri Nyoman Bagus Suweta<p>Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) is recognition of a person's learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience as a basis for continuing formal education and for equivalency with certain qualifications. Udayana University which is located at JL. PB. Sudirman Denpasar is one of the universities that carries out the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education's mandate to organize the Professional Engineer Program. There are two delivery routes for the Professional Engineer Program, namely the Regular Route and Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). The RPL process in the Udayana University Professional Engineer Program still uses manual data processing, where PPI study program operators still record manually the number of students who have been tutored and the number of students who have submitted exam applications, so it takes a long time and slows down the RPL process. Therefore, it is necessary to design an information system for submitting RPL guidance in the Udayana University Professional Engineer Program. It is hoped that this Information System Design will simplify and speed up the RPL process in the Udayana University Professional Engineer Program.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Ketut Relawati, Ida Ayu Putu Febri Imawati, I Nyoman Bagus Suweta