Group Guidance, Discussion Techniques, Learning DifficultiesAbstract
The purpose of the action research above is the need for service improvement, in order to improve the results to be achieved, this means the target of improvement for class VII B students of Wustho PKPPS Syafa'ah Darusssalam Denpasar Academic Year 2022/2023, a total of 5 people who experience learning difficulties out of a total of 31 students in the classroom. The approach technique used in this study is the guidance counseling action research approach (PTBK) because the steps taken in an effort to minimize student learning difficulties through the learning process in the classroom. In cycle I, when viewed from the score, namely the initial data on students' learning difficulties were in the high category with a score of 66.4 after being given action in cycle I, it decreased by 16.96% wit
maximized and it is still necessary to reveal the causal factors that have not been revealed in the process of group guidance actions with group discussion techniques by paying attention to the results that have been obtained in the results of cycle I.
Then the decrease in cycle II when seen from the score, namely data on the second cycle of students' learning difficulties were in the high category with an average score as a group of 51.8 after being given action in cycle II it decreased by 54.17% in the low category. Seeing the decline that occurs, it can be concluded that the application of group guidance ith discussion techniques can minimize learning difficulties for class VII B students of Wustho PKPPS Syafa'ah Darussalam Denpasar for the 2022/2023 academic year.
h an average group of 66, so researchers need to carry out treatments in cycle the second goal is that the desired results are truly
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