Penerapan Bimbingan Klasikal Untuk Meningkatkan Etika Dalam Bermedia Sosial Pada Siswa Kelas X MIPA SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 Application of Classical Guidance to Improve Ethics in Social Media for Class X MIPA Students at SMA PGRI 4 De
Classical Guidance, Social Media EthicsAbstract
The goal to be achieved in this study is to improve ethics in social media in class X MIPA SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar through the application of classical guidance services. This research is Counseling Guidance Action Research (PTBK). Counseling Guidance Action Research (PTBK) was designed in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 (four) activities, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Action Implementation, 3) Observation/Evaluation and 4) Reflection. The target of improvement in this study is class X MIPA SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar in the academic year 2022/2023 who have low social media ethics characterized by: 1) often using profane language in social media, 2) disseminating information that contains elements of violence without understanding the impact of the information being disseminated, 3) spreading issues in society that have not been verified, and 4) spreading information or pictures and the status of other people that are not accompanied by writing even though this is done without awareness that this is a violation, and 5) share negative statuses that are various personal and cause inconvenience to those who read the content. Based on the results of the first cycle of research, there was a change in students' social media ethics with the lowest score of 55 and the highest score of 80 with an increase percentage of 6% to 31% individually and 11% as a group. After being given action in cycle II there was an increase in students' social media ethics with the lowest score 80 and the highest 99 and the lowest percentage increase was 16% and the highest was 58% individually and the percentage was 33% as a group. From the results of the research above, the classical guidance provided has succeeded in improving the ethics of social media for class X MIPA SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar in the 2022/2023 academic year.
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