
  • I Gusti Lanang Rai Arsana
  • I Ketut Sapta
  • Taufik Novi Kusuma



This writing aims to improve the understanding of career decisions for students of class XI MIA 3 SMA Saraswati 1 (SLUA) ​​Denpasar for the 2020/2021 academic year through the application of services in BK activities with mind mapping techniques. The technique of this approach is the guidance and counseling action research approach (PTBK). This research was conducted in class XI MIA 3 which consisted of 36 students, there were 4 students who experienced low understanding of career decisions. Based on the results that have been achieved in the first cycle, it shows that there has been an increase between 13.20% to 22.85% with a sufficient increase. Furthermore, the results after the second action (II) showed a significant increase, this can be seen with an increase score of 20% to 31.66% in the high category. The obstacles encountered in cycle II were meaningless, which means that students have experienced an increase, this can be seen from the expressions of students who are active in service activities, all students are enthusiastic in carrying out the activities given Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of mind mapping techniques can improve understanding of career decisions for students in class XI MIA 3 SMA Saraswati 1 (SLUA) ​​Denpasar for the 2020/2021 academic year.


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How to Cite

Rai Arsana, I. G. L., Adhiputra, A. A. N. ., Sapta, I. K. ., & Novi Kusuma, T. (2021). IMPLEMENTASI TEKNIK MIND MAPPING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KEPUTUSAN KARIR SISWA. Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling: Kajian Dan Aplikasi, 12(2), 33-40.