Background This study aims to determine whether or not the effect of Self-Regulation on Student Discipline in Class XI MM1 SMK Negeri 1 Sukawati in the 2020/202 academic year, where this research is ex post factual or non-experimental, because it does not manipulate the symptoms studied and the symptoms already exist naturally in the field.
In this study, no sample was used, but all students in class XI MM1 were used as research samples, so this study was called a population study of 31 students. In collecting data using a Self-Regulation questionnaire to obtain data on Self-Regulation, and a learning discipline questionnaire to obtain data on student learning discipline and record documents to obtain data on the number of students of SMK Negeri 1 Sukawati in the 2020/2021 academic year.
This research is a statistical analysis with the product moment formula. From the data analysis using a significant level of 5% and n = 31, the limit number for the rejection of the null hypothesis obtained in the table of product moment values is 0.355. When compared to the number of results obtained from the study of 0.367, then the results of the study are above or greater than the number of rejections of the proposed null hypothesis, so that this study can be said to be significant Thus "There is an influence of Self-Regulation on the Learning Discipline of Class XI MM1 Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sukawati for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.
So the researchers suggest that students who have positive self-regulation should maintain self-regulation so that they can reduce the occurrence of bad actions. Students with negative self-regulation are expected to be able to choose better associations, so that they can form a better personality, students who have good personalities should be easier to regulate in any environment they are in.
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