intrapersonal, intellegence, DisciplineAbstract
The purpose of this study is to know if there is an intrapersonal intelligence with the disciplined attitude of the xi mipa class a public high school biology teacher 1 gianyar year study 2020/2021. The approach used in this study is the exs post facto approach, since everything studied is fair, of intrapersonal intelligence with discipline. In light of this study, the student making the population is xi mipa a high school biology proficiency 1 2020/ 2021 study year, totaling 34. Furthermore, the data gained is for intrapersonal intelligence with the discipline gained from the distribution of the kuis. And the data is being analyzed using product moment techniques. Based on analysis using significantly 5% % and n = 34 where the net hypothesis denial rate gained in product moment values table 0.339 is compared to the share of the results derived from a study of 0.392 magnitude. So zero hypotheses filed were denied so that this research could be said to be significant. Thus might be concluded that there is a significant correlation to intrapersonal intelligence with the discipline of the xi mipa class a public high school biology study 1 gianyar year of lesson 2020/2021. As a result of this study, it is expected that parents pay attention to the qualities and behavior of their sons and daughters, with teachers and communities expected to be and interact harmoniously with the students, thereby growing a high level of intrapersonal intelligence
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