One of the problems in implementing guidance and counseling in schools is the unavailability of adequate data collection instruments in the form of a scale. In developing a scale instrument, guidance teachers need to understand the procedures that must be passed in making the instrument so that it can produce standard measuring instruments. Thus, the purpose of writing this article is to describe various procedures in the development of data collection instruments, especially the Scale instrument. In general, there is still an understanding that guidance and counseling practitioners confuse the term Scale with Questionnaire, in that the two terms have very firm boundaries. The scale can be understood as one type of non-cognitive attribute measuring tool in the form of a statement set to reveal certain attributes through responses to these statements. . Various steps are taken to produce a psychological scale instrument such as setting measuring objectives, operationalizing concepts, developing specifications, writing statement/question items, reviewing statements on each item, assembling instruments, empirical testing, analyzing test results, selecting instrument items. qualified and final assembly and administration of the instrument.
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