Behavioral Counseling, To IncreaseAbstract
The role of counseling guidance teachers is very strategic in growing character education such as fighting spirit, loyalty, discipline, empathy and so on. In this case, school educational institutions have an important role in educating children so that later they become useful members of society. The results achieved from the process of providing education in this formal institution are for students to have good personality presentations in learning.Many problems that arise in the learning process in the problems that are often encountered in the learning process are the low understanding and interest in student learning, the subject matter is also influenced by the way the teacher teaches. The learning process that is often used by teachers is monotonous.The results of observations with one of the good character teachers, the low understanding and interest in student learning in the subject of moral character for class XII MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mengwi, Badung for the 2020/2021 school year is still said to be low, based on the results of observations after behavioral counseling there is an increase in interest in learning Individuals who occur between 30% while in groups of 29.50% with high categories, the increase in student learning outcomes can be seen from the behavior of students when doing behavioral counseling. And in online teaching and learning activities. Students showed quite good development, it was seen that some students had the courage to speak, concentrated more on learning, paid attention to the teacher's explanations and were more diligent in doing the assignments given.
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