Arthaniti Studies 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Ni Luh Putu Cahayani,S.Pd.,M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal title :</strong> Arthaniti Studies<br /><strong>Initials : </strong>ARTHAS<br /><strong>Frequency</strong> <strong> :</strong> 2 Issues every year (March and September)<br /><strong>ISSN :</strong> <a href="">2774-2415</a> (online) <br /><strong>Editor in Chief :</strong> <a href="">Ni Luh Putu Cahayani, S.Pd., M.Pd</a><br /><strong>Publisher :</strong> Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Arthaniti</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> in collaboration with <a href=""><strong>Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi Indonesia (ASPROPENDO)</strong></a>.Arthaniti Studies contains scientific studies and research results in the fields of Economic Education, Economics, and Entrepreneurship. This journal is expected to be a forum for Lecturers, Researchers, Teachers and Observers of Economics and Entrepreneurship. </p> APPLICATION OF A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF INTRODUCTORY ECONOMICS STUDENTS IN CLASS XI ECONOMICS C2 STATE HIGH SCHOOL 1 MENGWI FOR THE 2023/2024 SCHOOL YEAR 2024-09-16T04:11:56+00:00 Maria Aventina Nena Putu Siti Firmani <p>This study aims to find out how the application of a scientific approach can improve the learning outcomes of Economics Tutors for students in class Xl Economics C2 SMAN 1 Mengwi for the 2023/2024 school year. This type of research is a collaborative classroom action research (PTK) designed in two cycles, each cycle consists of three meetings. The subject of this study is students of class Xl C2 SMAN 1 Mengwi for the 2023/2024 Academic Year, which consists of 37 students, consisting of 17 males and 20 females. In this study, the object of research is the application of a scientific approach and learning outcomes of students in class Xl Economics C2 in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 school year, SMAN 1 Mengwi. The achievement of the Minimum Completeness Criterion (KKM) of students in class Xl Economics C2 SMAN 1 Mengwi Experienced an increase in initial observation that only 15 students were able to achieve (KKM), in cycle I In Meeting 1 was categorized. Less (K) In Meeting 2 it is categorized as Sufficient (C) and in cycle II in Meeting 1 it is said to be Enough (C) Meeting 2 is said to be Good (B). Application of the Scientific Approach Model to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Introduction to Economics Class Xl Students of C2 SMAN 1 Mengwi</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthaniti Studies THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND BRAND IMAGE ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION AT PT. SUZUKI FINANCE INDONESIA KESIMAN DENPASAR 2024-09-16T04:09:38+00:00 Ni Komang Sri Wulan Anggreni Ni Wayan Widi Astuti Putu Siti Firmani <p>Based on observations made at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Kesiman Denpasar, it can be seen the number of consumers who buy car products at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Kesiman Denpasar from 2021 - 2023. The lowest number of consumers in 2021 was 1,273, while the highest number of consumers iin 2022 was 1,411, resulting in a decrease in the number of consumers in i2023 to 1,345. This research aims to determine the influence of service quality and ibrand image on consumer satisfaction at PT. Suzuki Finance Indonesia Kesiman Denpasar. This research uses a causal associative quantitative approach through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires in data collection. The number of respondents in this research was 93 consumers.The results of this study show that (1) There is a partial influence of Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction as evidenced by the results of the tcount test of 6,599 &gt; ttable 1,986 with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05; (2) There is a partial influence of Brand Image on Consumer Satisfaction as evidenced by the results of the tcount test of 11,476 &gt; ttable 1,986 with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05; (3) There is a simultaneous influence on Service Quality and Brand Image towards Consumer Satisfaction as seen from the results of the Fcal &gt; Ftabel test of 78.987 &gt; 3.10 with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The results of the determination coefficient test showed<br>that the magnitude of the Adjusted R square value was 0.617 which means that 63.7% of the variation in Consumer Satisfaction was influenced by Service Quality and Brand Image, while the remaining 36.3% was influenced by other factors that were not included in this study variable.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthaniti Studies THE EFFECT OF PROMOTION AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION AT BEAUTIFUL STALLS IN CEMAGI VILLAGE, BADUNG 2024-09-16T04:10:28+00:00 <p>Based on observations made at Warung Cantik in Cemagi Village, Badung. The lowest number of consumers occurred in 2020 was 12,515, while the highest number of consumers in 2021 was 14,954. This study aims to determine the influence of promotion and service quality on consumer satisfaction at Warung Cantik in Cemagi Village, Badung. This study uses a causal associative quantitative approach through observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation methods that take 100 consumer respondents. The results of this study show that (1) There is a partially significant influence between promotion variables on consumer satisfaction as evidenced by the results of the tally test 8.165&gt; ttable 1.98 with a significant value (0.000 &lt; 0.05); (2) There is a partially significant influence between the variables of service quality on consumer satisfaction as evidenced by the results of the tcount test of 10.864 &gt; ttable 1.98 with significant values (0.00 &lt; 0.05); (3) There is a simultaneous significant influence between promotion variables and service quality on consumer satisfaction as seen from the results of the Fcal test of 96.223 &gt; Ftable 3.09 with a significant value (0.000 &lt; 0.05). The results of the determination coefficient show that the size of the Adjusted R Square is 0.665, which means that 66.5% of the variation in consumer satisfaction is influenced by promotion and service quality, while the remaining 33.5% is influenced by other factors</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthaniti Studies THE INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY AND PROMOTION ON PURCHASE DECISIONS IN THE TIKTOK SHOP ON THE TIKTOK APPLICATION IN THE PGRI MAHADEWA INDONESIA UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT 2024-09-16T04:11:09+00:00 Lusia Ayu Anggraini Ayu Ni Luh Putu Yesy Anggreni I Ketut Sudana <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" data-ved="2ahUKEwivi_im2uqIAxXzyzgGHcL7DkkQ3ewLegQICBAU" aria-label="Teks terjemahan: This research aims to determine the influence of product quality and promotions on purchasing decisions at the TikTok shop on the TikTok shop application within the PGRI Mahadewa University, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach through a questionnaire method that took 93 respondents. The results of this research show that (1) There is a partially significant influence between product quality variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the t-test of 14.955 &gt; ttable 1.98 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05); (2) There is a partial significant influence between promotional variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the t-test results of 12.254 &gt; ttable 1.98 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05); (3) There is a significant simultaneous influence between product quality and promotion variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the Fcount test results of 127.915 &lt; Ftable 3.10 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05). The results of the coefficient of determination show that the R Square is 0.740, which means that 74.0% of purchasing decision variables are influenced by product quality and promotion while the remaining 26.0% are influenced by various factors outside the research model."><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">This research aims to determine the influence of product quality and promotions on purchasing decisions at the TikTok shop on the TikTok shop application within the PGRI Mahadewa University, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach through a questionnaire method that took 93 respondents. The results of this research show that (1) There is a partially significant influence between product quality variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the t-test of 14.955 &gt; ttable 1.98 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05); (2) There is a partial significant influence between promotional variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the t-test results of 12.254 &gt; ttable 1.98 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05); (3) There is a significant simultaneous influence between product quality and promotion variables on purchasing decisions as seen from the Fcount test results of 127.915 &lt; Ftable 3.10 with a significance value of (0.000 &lt; 0.05). The results of the coefficient of determination show that the R Square is 0.740, which means that 74.0% of purchasing decision variables are influenced by product quality and promotion while the remaining 26.0% are influenced by various factors outside the research model.</span></pre> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthaniti Studies COMPILING BEST PRACTICE STORIES USING THE STAR METHOD (SITUATIONS, CHALLENGES, ACTIONS, REFLECTION OF RESULTS AND IMPACTS) RELATED TO THE EXPERIENCE OF OVERCOMING STUDENT PROBLEMS IN LEARNING 2024-09-16T04:07:50+00:00 Ni Made Suputri <p>This research aims to increase the learning motivation of students in class X AP 1 SMK Negeri 3 Sukawati through the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model to resource scarcity materials. In this context, low student learning motivation is identified as a major challenge, which is influenced by social environmental factors and less innovative teaching methods. The implementation of PBL is carried out by preparing learning tools that include teaching modules, learning media, and assessment instruments. The results of the study showed that the application of the PBL model succeeded in improving student activities and learning outcomes, with an average cognitive score of 86.52. There were 21 out of 23 students who achieved learning completion. The conclusion of this study is that the application of the PBL model is effective in improving student motivation and learning outcomes, with recommendations to continue to develop learning plans that are in accordance with the characteristics of students and materials.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arthaniti Studies