HKI: Investasi Kesejahteraan Bagi Desainer Di Indonesia


  • I Wayan Windutama Windutama Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi
  • I Nyoman Lodra Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi
  • I Made Darmada Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia



Industrial Design, Investment, Welfare, Creative Economy


The purpose of this research is to find out that industrial design rights can make investment and provide welfare for designers in Indonesia, Benefits: the results of this research can be used as a reference or reference for other researchers and become a model for the development of the creative industry. Industrial design rights are one of the types of intellectual property which is one of the important elements in the creative economy. Meanwhile, not many designers in Indonesia are aware of the importance of protecting designers' creations. Protection in the form of industrial design rights for designs will get financial benefits and become an investment that can provide welfare to designers. Collecting by observation by observing design products in Bali, and conducting interviews with designers related to what are the obstacles to the management of industrial design rights and their benefits.

The results of this research are found from several books and laws and regulations that have benefits and advantages from Industrial Design Rights holders, namely: industrial design rights can be a source of income for designers as well as an investment in the future. On the other hand, there is a challenge in implementing how important it is to register industrial designs to protect against plagiarism


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How to Cite

Windutama, I. W. W., I Nyoman Lodra, & I Made Darmada. (2025). HKI: Investasi Kesejahteraan Bagi Desainer Di Indonesia. Arthaniti Studies, 6(1), 71-76.